Bethel Oromo LCMS - 11/26/2022
Join Pres. Beinke for a weekly Bible study of the Scripture readings for the coming Sunday! This online study takes place on Thursday's from 7:00 - 8:00 PM on Go-To-Meeting at the following link: If Thursday is a national holiday the class will not meet.

Bethel Oromo LCMS is a newest church plant in the New England District. This sister congregation is led by Rev. Adam Teferi. On Sunday, August 14th the congregation celebrated four baptisms of children named Kaku, Milto, Nimona and Kate. More than 40 Oromo adults, teens and children celebrated how God has grown their community in worship and afterwards with wonderful Ethiopian food and baptism birthday cake. Rev. Teferi has completed all requirements set forth by the LCMS Pastoral Colloquy Committee and will be installed on November 6th as a Missionary-at-Large in the District to the Oromo congregation. Bethel Oromo congregation is completing the state requirements for organization before applying for official status within the LCMS. The congregation began their weekly gatherings at Mt. Calvary, Acton on June 12, 2022.

Did you know?
- The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) is one of the largest and fastest growing Lutheran churches in the world with nearly 11 million members
- Mekane Yesus means "the place of Jesus"
- The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) has a growing relationship with the EECMY
- The EECMY is six times larger than the LCMS
- Oromo is the largest people group in Ethiopia
- According to the Cambridge Community Development Department, greater Boston is home to the 13th largest Ethiopian community in the United States
How can you help?
- Pray for Rev. Teferi and Bethel Oromo LCMS
- Partner with them by donating to the New England District's 1:1:1 fundraising campaign
- Praise God that He is sending believers to the United States to share the gospel with Americans